About me

Carolien Oosterhoff

A path to freedom

Follow along! 

Renaissance Soul | Filmmaker | Senior Behavorial Trainer & Coach | Massage therapist | Educator | Writer

A lot. Yes, that’s me! My father used to tell me: you’re a true Homo Universalis. It took me until I was 40+ to understand what he really meant. And what a huge compliment that was. It’s true. I was born with quite an amount of different talents. I started group hugging them around 14 years ago, when I became an entrepreneur. My drive is to optimise. (Me. You. The world) (Yes, in that order, I used to think it was the exact way around, but that really did not work). My talent is my growth mindset: to get most out of every situation and see that there’s always something to learn. (Always)(Always). My passion is to create. Possibilities. Ideas. Solutions. Art. Life.

So, here I go. I teach, train, coach, film, write, massage, sing, paint, walk, run, live, love, laugh and learn with…your (and my) heart on my tongue. I am a creative, sensitive, silly, street-smart, versatile, melancholic, ambitious go-getter. I am a true Renaissance Soul. And a serial solo-entrepreneur, with HeartPepper© being my brand that represents everything I stand for. You can find links to my work in the footer.


Writer’s Course, Brigitte van Tuijl (2022)
Wheel of Consent ‘Like a Pro’, Betty Martin (2021)
VIP Business coaching, Brigitte van Tuijl (2020)
Optimize Me, Brian Johnson (2020-2021)
Wheel of Consent, Robyn Dalzen (2020)
Het Stemgilde, Jan Kortie (2019/2020)
Insights to Intimacy, Heart IQ Academy (2017)
Het Helende Verhaal, Phoenixopleidingen (2017)
Heart IQ Experience week, Heart IQ Academy (2017)
Moeder & Dochter – terug naar je vrouwelijke bron, Phoenixopleidingen (2015)
Scenarioschrijven, Schrijversvakschool, Amsterdam (2015)
Relaties als spiegel, Phoenixopleidingen (2014)
Op Verhaal Komen, Phoenixopleidingen (2014)
Ode an die Freude, Academie voor Stembevrijding, Amsterdam (2012-2014)
Tantra-opleiding, v/h Amalaya (Duitsland) (2012) – bestaat niet meer…
Camera College, Camera & Montage (2012)
Big Mission, Big Impact, Brigitte van Tuijl (2012)
3-jarige: NLP, TA en Systemisch Werk – Phoenixopleidingen (2009-2012)
Overgave, vrouw en seksuele energie – Phoenixopleidingen (2009)
Omgaan met angst, woede en weerstand – Phoenixopleidingen (2008)
Parent Effectiveness Trainer, Thomas Gordon institute (2004)
Psychologie (2 1/2 jaar) – UvA, Amsterdam (2000)
Interviewtechnieken – Stichting Communicatie (1994)
Lerarenopleiding Engels – v/h Ubbo Emmius Groningen (1993)

Renaissance Soul | Filmmaker | Senior Behavorial Trainer & Coach | Massage therapist | Educator | Writer

I am Carolien Oosterhoff (1967). A creative, sensitive, smart, silly, versatile, melancholic, ambitious go-getter. I am a true Renaissance Soul. And a serial solo-entrepreneur, with HeartPepper© being my brand that represents everything I stand for. You can find links to follow my journey below in yellow.

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